Face Mask Pattern

This is NOT my design – I just made the ones pictured here. It’s a fantastic pattern and well worth using – easy and a very nice fit. We got asked for the pattern a few times while we were out today, so here it is.
There are 4 sizes: men, ladies and teens, 6-12 yrs (all an excellent fit) and 3-5 yrs (I found the 6-12yrs one a better fit for my 5-year old – the smaller one was a bit too snug).
The pattern template is in this pdf – please check your scale when you print it out.
The steps go something like this, all in the instructions on the original site:
- Fold main fabric in half and cut out (remember to add seam allowance)
You will have two halves. - Sew together along curved edge, right sides facing.
- Press seam to one side and top stitch.
- Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 exactly the same for the lining fabric.
- Sew the main fabric and lining together, top & bottom edges only,
right sides facing. - Turn the right way out and press seams flat.
- Fold the sides inwards and sew down to form the side ‘tubes’ for the string.
- Finally thread the string through (I used a long shoelace for each mask)

Please visit the original site for even more details or to acknowledge how amazing this is! It has come from www.craftpassion.com.