Cooking Dips / Dressings / Spreads Easy Mediterranean Middle Eastern Nibbles Umami Under 10 minutes Vegan Vegetarian

Easy Hummus

Makes 1 medium jar of hummus.

Time to make: 5 mins

A healthy option for snacking or taking as a shared plate accompaniment, this is a pure gem. Great on sandwiches, as a dip or just for a hit of umami and zing, this version is a versatile go-to recipe.

– ½ tin soaked chickpeas
– 2 cloves of garlic (or 1 large one)
– ¼ cup olive oil
– ¼ cup lemon juice
– ¼ tsp salt
– ¼ tsp pepper
– ¼ tsp cumin
– 4 Tbsp tahini
– 2 Tbsp maple syrup

1. Blend the chickpeas and garlic

2. Add the olive oil and lemon juice and blend again until creamy

4. Blend in the spices

5. Finally blend in tahini and syrup to balance flavour and texture

6. Check consistency – it should be thick, creamy and smooth. If too thick, add a little more oil or lemon juice to taste.
Blender (hand-held or other) – Measuring spoon
Serve with fresh bread, crisps, melba toast or chopped vegetables and fruit
Shopping list:
Olive Oil
Lemon or lemon juice
Maple syrup
© A Williams 2019