Zucchini, marrow, courgette – whatever you call it, it’s pure gold.
How often do you find yourself with a lonely courgette in the fridge, wondering how to turn it into something useful? I do – frequently.
I often buy them (and am now trying to grow them), but I end up forgetting they’re there and before too long they’re fit only for the compost.
However, I have recently discovered that if you blitz them into a paste they are the absolute bees knees and can be used in almost everything to add bulk, moisture or just a bit of goodness. Their reasonnably bland taste makes them perfect hidden veggies and their texture becomes something akin to a rich sauce or gravy. So, here’s what I do now:
- Simply wash, chop and bake, steam or roast them (I don’t even peel or de-seed).
- Add it to:
- pancake batters
- cake mixtures – it makes it so moist!
- mix into savoury muffins (cook them for a smidge longer though)
- thicken a sauce (no need for cornflour or extra butter anymore)
- provide a base for a yummy pasta sauce – just add your browned onions, tomatoes and herbs (fresh rocket and some cheese once once mixed into the pasta is magic)
- Mix into add to some stock for a thick gravy
- Mix into any pasta bake – the kids won’t know it’s there and it’s so good for them
- freeze in small blocks to use later for any of the above!