Cleaner living Cooking Dips / Dressings / Spreads Easy Under 10 minutes Vegetarian

DIY Choc Hazelnut Spread

Makes: 1 small jar of rich spread

Time to make: 10 mins

No need to buy commercial spreads made with palm-oil – this is quick, easy, cheap and nutritious. It also comes with a bonus feel-good factor, as you are helping to save the Orangutan’s habitats currently being decimated by palm oil plantations.

My child drew this poster today, encouraging us all to stop supporting the palm oil industry! Make your own products at home – it is fun, cheaper and easier thank you think. Here’s ours for choc-nut spread:

– 1/2 cup unsalted hazelnuts
– 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
– 1/4 tsp salt
– 2/3 cup milk chocolate buttons
– 3 Tbs olive oil

1. Heat oven to 180°C and roast hazelnuts on baking tray for ±5 mins

3. Remove nuts from oven and tip onto a clean cloth or muslin. Rub vigorously. This removes most of remaining husks.

4. While the nuts are still hot, blend all ingredients together until they form a rich paste (smooth or crunchy, depending on your equipment).

5. Store in an airtight container and use within a week
– baking tray
– clean cloth or muslin
– Blender or bar-mixe
Clean jar or container

* Be sure to mix while the nuts are hot from the oven, otherwise you will need to melt the chocolate in a double-boiler before adding it to the mixture.

* I use a bar-mixer wand to blend, so I still have crunchy nut pieces in my spread, but a powerful blender might make it smooth.
Shopping list:
– hazelnuts
– chocolate buttons
– vanilla
– salt
– olive oil