Cleaner living Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Toiletries Zero Waste

DIY Natural Deodorant

This zero-waste deodorant is honestly life-changing, I kid you not. No more body odour and best of all, no aerosols, packaging or nasty chemicals. It costs practically nothing to make and can be whipped up in 2 minutes flat. It really is that amazing.

Tried and tested in the Australian summer, it’s a winner and while you will still perspire, you will not smell. I learned the recipe when I attended the Earth Carers course and I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Time to make: 2 mins

– 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
– 2 tablespoons Bicarbonate of Soda
1. Use a spoon to mix equal quantities of coconut oil and bicarb into a paste.

That’s it!
– Spoon, mug
– Clean jar or tin

* to use it as an underarm cream: place in a tin, tub or jar where you get dressed.

* to use as a roll-on, just put the paste into a silicone mould and refrigerate for an hour or two. Remove from the mould and store the deo block in a tub/jar in the fridge.

* You can add a few drops of tea-tree oil for extra odour protection.

* NB – don’t use if you have an allergy to bicarb.
Shopping list:
– Bicarb

– Coconut oil
Zero-waste deodorant you’ll love!